The purpose of the DSU Indian YUVA Club is to bring along all the people (students) of the Indian community to meet and greet beyond classes. Our community has a lot of people present in the school but due to work pressure and lifestyle we dont get to interact a lot as we have different schedules, so having a club is just gonna make it easy and relieve stress. It will also help new admissions to come meet the people from the same community, ask there questions, discuss issues and just mellow into the the fast paced life Canada has to offer.
We intend to create a community that can help new people connect with members that are already settled in terms of part-time jobs and housing. By creating a large network, we will be able to create a sense of belonging and safety for upcoming and new students. We have all been through a lot of struggle in finding jobs, making ends meet, finding roommates and places to live. It’s important to create a spam-free douglas-only group for Indians.
We also plan to celebrate Festivals from all parts of India. It’s a rich country with a lot of heritage from different zones. Our parents send their children thousands of miles away, seeing them celebrate and stay close to their tradition, would be a warm feeling for them. It is one of our ideas that the members of our group do volunteer work and provide service in gurudwaras and temples, by cooking food and cleaning for everyone that comes with a bad day to find solace and food.
Club Executives:
  • Sahibjot Duggal: President
  • Harsaheb Singh: Vice President
  • Harneet Singh: Secretary

Club Instagram: @dsuindianclub

Club Information

Location New Westminster


SSahibjot Duggal
