Your Voice Matters

Every year, Douglas College prepares an annual budget for the following year, which accounts for all of their expected spending and outlines priorities.

Our previous Budget Consultation Submissions – 

With over 50 online submissions, through Zoom Chats, tabling sessions, and countless messages from students, the Douglas Students’ Union compiled recommendations to Douglas College decision makers for the 2024-2025 budget.
November 2023, we were in the concourse and atrium asking for your input as to what you think we should bring forward in our recommendations to the 2024-25 Douglas College budget. We asked you about WIFI, parking, and services to tuition, education and technology💰

You can read our full submission reports and recommendations below!

DSU Submission to Douglas College Budget 2024-25

DSU Submission to Douglas College Budget 2023-24

DSU Submission to Douglas College Budget 2022-23

DSU Submission to Douglas College Budget 2021-22 


Progress 50%