Updates to the Douglas College Grading System
(effective September 1, 2023)
The current grading system at Douglas College is changing this September to align with common grading scales at other Post-Secondary institutions.
The current grading system at Douglas College has been in place for over 20 years. This September, the new grading system will come into effect and will align more closely with other Post-Secondary institutions.
Breakdown of Changes:
Current system New System
A+ 95%+ 90-100%
A 90-94% 85-89%
A- 85-89% 80-84%
B+ 80-84% 77-79%
B 75-79% 73-76%
B- 70-74% 70-72%
C+ 65-69% 65-69%
C 60-64% 60-64%
C- 55-59% 55-59%
P 50-54% 50-54% (now listed as a D)
F 49% and below 49% and below
What is the College doing to ensure changes are known?
A notation will be added to the back of your transcripts that will reflect the new grading scale and the effective date. Reviewing institutions will be able to see the new grade scale and the date it is effective.
This information is important as it helps institutions and programs you are applying for in the future know which grading scale was used to assess your grade. Other post-secondary institutions will be aware of the changes and they will be able to better assess the GPAs of Douglas Students to their systems.
Will grades being updated retroactively to reflect the new policy?
Your current grades will not be affected by the change of policy September 1, 2023. Your final grades on record were assessed based on the current policy and will not change or be updated to reflect the new policy.
How can you be proactive?
Your transcripts include a letter grade and not the percentage you received in the class. If you are concerned about how these changes will affect you, here are some helpful suggestions:
- Set up a meeting with your student success advisor to discuss any of your concerns and how these changes affect you and your educational journey.
- Keep track of the percentages of grades you receive in classes for your records, so that you may reference them in future applications as you apply to new programs or other institutions if more information is needed.